Thursday, July 17, 2008

Favorite list

The one of Justice in the stream I took but Germayne fixed it up for me the rest of these she did. These are at the top of my favorite list.


grandmagene said...

Beautiful pictures Tanj. Your sister-in-law does an awesome job. You have a lovely family. I love the pictures of you and Steve too. All of the pictures are wonderful. How is Larry doing?

Tanjala said...

I haven't seen Larry in about 3 weeks but I think he is doing as good as can be expected. He should have surgery sometime next week.

Mark, Gretchen and Kendrick said...

Beautiful pictures or should I say Handsome pictures since there are so many men in them.

Mamabear said...

Thanks for sharing the pics! They are really awesome!

Sharalyn said...

Steve & Tanji, I love your pics. You have a wonderful family. Glad that you are part of our church (and school) family.
I know times are tough for a lot of us. (I've been unemployed since January myself. And with my "baby" in college,we have had to trust God to supply Austin's needs there. We sure have no way to put him through college. And so far, God is meeting his needs there.) We have seen God work & provide thru nothing short of miracles with the school project. So I'm sure he'll take care of us too.
Love you all...