It was nice to get away but nice to be home as well. We had a great time with Tovie and Germayne. I didn't get a whole lot of pictures of stuff but we went swimming, did some 4-wheelin', and mostly just hung out. Germayne and I went out for coffee one day and did some shopping. Well, she had coffee. I'm not a coffee person but she is a big coffee person. Tristen really enjoyed riding Zach's dirt bike. Just before we got down there he had a bit of an accident on someone elses dirt bike. He ran into a barbed wire fence and scrapped himself up pretty good. He had one gash on his cheek about an inch long that was pretty bad but he was a tough little guy and he got right back on the bike and wanted to ride some more. Steve almost flipped on his 4-wheeler. He said that he isn't really sure how it didn't flip on him. He was doing a jump and another guy they were riding with was in front of him and just stopped. Steve was to far into the jump to stop and he landed on his back wheels on the side of the ditch they were jumping with the rest of the quad straight in the air!! Other than that no other damage to any one. These pictures are not from vacation, they are my mom, Ward, Tristen and Paris. These are pictures that Germayne took when mom and Ward were down there. Paris is my mom's only grand-daughter.
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