Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Not to be left out..........

Ok, so not to be left out I must say something about graduation since my fellow classmates have both posted a thing or two about it. It is hard to believe that it has been 15 years ago today that I graduated from Fredonia Christian Academy with Carl Damon and Gretchen (Cross) Gordon. In one instance it seems like it was yesterday and in another it seems like a distant memory. Alot has happened in 15 years. Some of it pleasant and some of it not so pleasant but mostly pleasant. One thing I have learned in 15 years is that when you are in school and you think you have it don't even have any idea of how bad it can be. 15 years later you sometimes wish that all you had to worry about was your next Chemistry or Math test. That being said, I have to say that in those 15 years I have been married to a wonderful man for 14 years (almost) and I have 5 beautiful boys. Can boys be beautiful??? I don't know. I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't want to be told that they were beautiful. Anyway, all 6 of them are my life and I love them very much. You know, things may not turn out how you planned it when you were 16 but it all works out if you put your trust in God. God knows best!!!


Mark, Gretchen and Kendrick said...

Nice Post!! Us girls followed Carl's lead, he posted about it and I saw it so I posted!! UGH Chemistry and Math tests isn't it funny that we thought that was as bad as life could EVER possibly be!! Thank the Lord for his Love and Grace to have brought us this far loving and serving Him!!

Mark, Gretchen and Kendrick said...

I just read your comment on Carl's blog and I thought you had "planned" finding the yearbook! How neat that it was an "accidental find" at such an appropriate time

Phil & Sue Arnold said...

Boys can be beautiful! You have a wonderful family. Sue

Noah and Heather said...

15 yrs! I was thinking about the fact that this is my 10 yr. anniversary from Penn View this year. That was bad enough. Now, I realize that you guys are at the 15 yr. mark from high school, and I am only a yr. behind.
I love the pic of your boys with Bro. Rhoads. Now when he taught me, that is longer ago than I even want to think about.
I think that boys can be beautiful, just don't tell then that!