Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This week-end

We are hoping to go down to my brothers house this week-end. He lives out in the middle of no mans land. The very first time I went to his house I thought that the road they live off of was his driveway. The longer we were on it I thought "WOW, he has a long driveway." Then I realized, after we turned into the real driveway, that we had been on a road. Anyway, I could go on about living in the sticks but I'll leave it be for now. Seriously, they live in a nice secluded area. I sometimes envy it until I want to go shopping. I can't wait to see my family. Tristen, my nephew, said he was going to get married, pack up his toys and move to Michigan with his Aunt Tanj.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Welcome to the world of Blogging! Congrats on the new little one!