Friday, May 23, 2008

Time is fleeting

BLBS left for Internationals last night after the awards banquet. I have mixed emotions as Justice is gone. I'm excited for his accomplishments but sad that he is growing up so fast. It seems that he should not be old enough to do all this on his own. The song in my play list to the right by Mark Harris called "Find Your Wings" was played at Tannen's dedication and everytime I hear it I want to cry because that is my song to all of my children. When I reflect on the life of my kids, I purpose in my heart to spend more time with them and not worry about finger prints on windows and walls and not to spend my time making lots of money. There will always be time to wash windows and walls but time with my children is all to fleeting. I realize that a person has to have money to live but that shouldn't be what it's all about. I want to take the time to take them to the park or play a game with them because the time will come when they won't want to do things like that anymore. And one never knows when our time together will be cut short. I know when they are small it seems that it will never end but it will and you'll sit back and wonder where the time has gone. Justice is only 13 and it seems that it has went so fast. In 5 years he will be graduating from high school. If 13 years has gone this fast, I'm going to blink and 5 years will be gone. So I'm trying not to blink :-) One other thing I am totally not ready for is girls!!! If you know what I mean ;-) That subject is for some other time.


Sarah said...

What an amazing song! Never heard it before but throughly enjoyed it. It is unbelieveable how quickly they do grow!

Mark, Gretchen and Kendrick said...

We shouldn't be old enough to be parents to teenagers, Oh wait a minute mine is only 2. But I know time will pass quickly and it will be Kendrick getting on the van for Internationals. How is Justice doing?? See ya in the morning!!

Cheryl Watters said...

Ryan and I were riding in the car today, talking about raising children and the pros and cons of how you raise them. I explained to him that children make a family complete and I would be lost without my children, but the scary thing is that I thought it was difficult when they were little, it is much more difficult when they are grown, just in a different way. You worry about their choices and if they are safe. Did they remember to take the lint out of the dryer before they turned it on? Did they get a ticket for no seatbelt? Will they stay awake while they are driving? Just lots of things to concern a mom, especially when they are out of the house. Just enjoy every moment of their childhood. You'll never be sorry! You have a beautiful family and you are doing a great job in raising them.